Starting a new Michigan Home Health Care business in 2013?
Saved in: Home Health AgencyAre you starting a new Home Health Care Agency business in Michigan this year? The accounting requirements for home health care providers can be a daunting task to stare down. There are many things you need to consider:
- Monthly Records and Bookkeeping
- Taxes and Tax Preparation
- Payroll Services
- Cost Reports
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Starting to feel intimidated? Don’t worry, Hazzouri Accounting can help!
We are located in Canton, MI and have over a decade of experience working with home health care agencies in the surrounding regions. We can handle all of the potential pitfalls listed above and take the worry out of your new start up company. With our knowledge in the field you can feel secure that all of your i’s have been dotted and your t’s crossed.
Khaled Hazzouri is a certified CPA with a proven track record in the home health care field. Lose the stress and let Hazzouri Accounting handle the heavy lifting. This will give you the time necessary to focus on what is truly important – getting your new business up and running. Please contact us through our contact form or call today at (734) 844 – 1614 to schedule a free consultation.
We look forward to working with you!