2014 Michigan Taxes: How You Can Benefit From Early Tax Preparation
Saved in: Accounting Services, Michigan BusinessThe 2014 tax season is going to be here shortly. Employers are required to issue W-2 forms to their employees in January, but most people will put off their 2014 tax preparations until just before the April deadline. Which is understandable as there is nothing pleasant about giving away a chunk of your hard-earned money. However, as Benjamin Franklin said 224 years ago, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” Do not delay the inevitable! We at Hazzouri Accounting can show you why you should file your taxes early on. We are here to guide you through the process to ensure the lowest fees, highest returns, and a stress-free tax season overall.
Maximize Deductions
Owing taxes can often come as an unplanned expense This expense can put a considerable strain on your normal budget. Preparing your return earlier means you can better plan for a potential bill.. You can also have more time to find and take advantage of any tax breaks and deductions you may be eligible for in the constantly evolving state and federal tax laws.
Avoid Penalties
Figuring out the exact amount you have to pay and paying it on time ensures that you avoid any costly penalties and interest fees on top of the taxes you may end up paying. Filing early also does not mean that you have to pay early. You can still pay later on in the season after you have made sure that everything is in order. This gives you time to make the necessary corrections before the deadline when penalties become applicable.
Waiting until the last minute to prepare everything can make you overlook tax breaks and deductions you are eligible for. Rushing can also lead to honest mistakes and typographical errors that may raise red flags at the IRS. This could lead to an IRS audit, in which case you will likely need to hire a tax resolution specialist to avoid fines.
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Get Help While You Still Can
The majority of Americans overpay on their taxes. Much of this is from overlooked tax breaks. Most people can avail of deductions such as financial planning and management expenses, education credit, retirement savings contribution credit, losses due to theft or destruction, charitable mileage, personal legal bills, and even hobby expenses. Hiring a professional accountant ensures that you are able to take advantage of any and all deductions you are eligible for without the risk of overstating your deductions and getting unwanted attention from the IRS.
Waiting until the last minute to hire an accountant means you compete with all the other people in your area who are trying to beat the deadline. More and more accountancy firms are unable to accept new clients the closer you get to the deadline. To put this into perspective, Wayne County alone, being the most populous county in Michigan and 18th most populous in the country, has a population of around 1.8 million as of 2012. However, only 1,538 accounting firms are listed in the Yellow Pages at the time of writing.
If you are eligible for a refund filing early means a faster processing time. You can have your money within a few weeks. If you wait until April there is a longer line of people getting their refund which can lead to longer processing times.
Hazzouri Accounting
Hazzouri Accounting is ready to assist in your 2014 Wayne, County Michigan tax preparation. After a simple interview and review of your finances we can accurately determine your taxes and deductions. We will then file all of the necessary paperwork for your 2014 taxes. Hazzouri Accounting is affiliated with and certified by organizations such as the MACPA, Intuit, and AICPA. Khaled Hazzouri has over 16 years of experience as CPA in the area. For more information please visit our website / Facebook fan page or call us at 734-844-1614.