5 Reasons Why You Should File Your Michigan Taxes Early
Saved in: Michigan Business, Tax NewsTax season starts on January 20, which is just a few days from now. The last day to file taxes in Michigan follows the federal deadline of April 15, 2015. The well organized and financially savvy are already preparing their paperwork, if they haven’t already submitted it to a CPA to double check everything and file it as soon as the date comes around. If you’re like most people, however, you’re probably not looking forward to filing your taxes at all, let alone early. Here are five reasons you could be making a mistake:
#1 – Avoid Identity Theft Tax Return Fraud
As discussed in another blog post, identity theft tax return fraud has exploded in recent years, amounting to $5.2 billion in 2013 alone. Some unscrupulous people have found easy ways to get the Social Security Numbers (SSN) and other information of unsuspecting victims and use them to claim tax refunds in their name. This has become a ridiculously big “business,” with almost 15 million foiled attempts and almost 2,000 pending cases from the past few years. The IRS is struggling to catch up and find ways to bring these numbers down.
Along with keeping your information secure and entrusting it only to reputable establishments, filing your taxes early is your best defense against ID theft tax fraud.
#2 – Get Refunds Faster
If you’re owed money, the sooner the better, right? If you get a tax refund, you could have extra cash on hand for any unforeseen expenses. This is also always better than getting additional interest and charges on a credit card or loan. Processing time will also be faster since many people across the country will still wait until April when the IRS will get bogged down by the sheer volume.
#3 – Have More Time to Pay
If you will owe the IRS this year, filing early will also let you know early on just how much you need to pay. This gives you time to prepare, set aside the money, and avoid any nasty surprises.
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#4 – Avoid Additional Penalties and Paperwork
Life is unpredictable. According to Murphy’s Law, “anything that can go wrong, will.” Filing early gives you time to anticipate and address any problems that may surface. It gives you time to prepare the money you owe, or if needed, to file for an extension.
Figuring everything out in the first place can be complicated and time consuming. If you do things in a hurry at the last minute, you’re much more likely to make costly mistakes. You could miss out on significant deductions you’re entitled to just because you forgot to do the paperwork. On the other hand, you could underestimate how much you’re supposed to pay, leading to penalties and even an audit and criminal charges. Remember also that even if you file on time or file for an extension, you will be charged a stiff interest and penalties on the amount you owe if not paid by the deadline.
#5 – Avoid the Crowds
Waiting until the last minute will mean longer lines, whether at the IRS, the post office, the local CPA office, the bank, etc. Do yourself a favor and get it over with early on. That way, it won’t keep bothering you in the back of your mind for several months to boot. Tax season is an inevitable part of each new year. Since you can’t avoid it, you may as well get it over with and get on with the rest of your year hassle-free.
Contact Hazzouri Accounting and Tax Service Today!
Hazzouri Accounting is here to help. We have over 16 years of experience helping the communities of Canton, MI and the surrounding areas with all their tax needs. We take care of all the paperwork and filing to give you peace of mind, knowing everything was done right, on time, and with the utmost protection of your information. Call us today at (734) 844-1614 to get started! You can also fill out our website contact form or stop by our social media accounts to learn more: